Fixed exporters in the mbed Online Compiler
This post was originally published on Mbed Developer Blog.
We have three ways of developing on top of mbed OS: in the browser using the mbed Online Compiler, offline using mbed CLI, or by using an IDE like µVision or Eclipse. The last option adds a lot of flexibility: you can use mbed RTOS and mbed OS 5 as your application middleware, while still being able to develop and properly debug your application in your favourite editor.
Unfortunately, we had some issues with updating the exporter code to handle the new mbed OS 5 projects, so exporting an mbed OS 5 project from the mbed Online Compiler resulted in a non-compiling project.
The good news: we reworked our exporters and you can export mbed 2.0 and mbed OS 5 projects from the online compiler once again, so if you had trouble exporting a project in the past - give it another shot.
In addition to exporting from the online compiler you can export to IDEs using mbed CLI. This allows you to keep using mbed CLI for library management, but still use a proper debugger.
Depending on your target you can export your mbed projects to:
- uVision 4
- uVision 5
- DS-5
- LPCXpresso
- IAR Embedded Workbench
- CooCox CoIDE
- Kinetis Design Studio
- Simplicity Studio
- Atmel Studio
- SW4STM32 Systems Workbench
- e2studio
- Emblocks
Debugging an mbed OS 5 project in uVision 5.
If you still run into issues with the exporters, please report an issue against ARMmbed/mbed-os and we’ll look into it.
Jan Jongboom is Developer Evangelist IoT at ARM and loves a good debugging session.